Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Getting Started

Getting started does feel a little overwhelming. However, I did get a lot out of the first part of this class. I found the class to be very informative in nature. I took the first part of this class on Friday, November 10, 2006. Although I would have liked to complete this course before the winter break I was unable to find a Part 2 that fit into my schedule. One of the first things we talked about was Peer Coaching. I was unaware that I was supposed to have a coach for 12 sessions. I was relieved to have found this out early on. That day right after class I got on the Discussion Board and posted an ad for a coach. I only received one response but as it turned out it was a good match. I am in a place in my life where I have a lot of direction and focus. I am also very happy and content in my life. I have a happy marriage and great children, a good church and faithful friends. I don’t have to work for financial reason but want to coach to help others and share what I have learned. Sivona was up for the challenge of finding something to coach me on. As it has turned out she has been a sounding board for my existing client cases. I have been able to just to process my sessions with her and get a little insight from her.

We discussed SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, result oriented, time based) and the importance of writing down goals. I have to admit I still have not written down any of my goals other than the ones in my business action plan (a work in progress). I have a lot of elements that will be forming my practice and what my goals will be and I am waiting to see how some of these things work themselves out. However, I like the SMART goals model. I will definitely keep it close at hand as a tool to help my clients evaluate their goals as they set them. And, when I do write down my goals I will use these 5 points to help me set mine as well.

The last thing that we talked about was ways to market our coaching practice. This was easy for me to at least get started on. I already had a contract and client information sheet published. I had a plan for a brochure and that I sat down and published when we returned from Thanksgiving vacation. It outlines what coaching is, a little about me, and what I offer along with my rates. I also receive a lot of my clients through a couple’s conference that my husband and I host and teach. We are advertising that conference along with coaching to those in our field. The other element that I want to put into place is to get business cards. I have procrastinated on this a little bit but plan to have them for our next couple’s conference in March.

All in all I feel I received much insight as well as things to continue to work on. I am looking forward to the second class to see what else I should be working on.

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