Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The ICA Coaching Process #3

The third class for this course was held on Wednesday, April 04, 2007. The class got off to a slow start. Between bridge line issues and people sharing resources we didn’t get going for some time.

Once we got going we started with talking about tangible examples or ways to tell when our clients are in the different phase: honeymoon phase, client will be excited to dive in; peaks and valleys, struggles and wins; quitting zone, when they talk with discouragement “Nothing’s working”, “This is really hard.”

How can we enhance the ‘willingness’? Enthuse them; remind them why they set the goal in the first place, review advantages and disadvantages, help them visualize their goal, look at reality of environment and help them put structures into place, use SMART goals to help them keep the goals attainable and real.

As I think about my clients and the ways that they may start to move into the quitting zone I feel like the above techniques could really work for them, mostly why they set the goal in the first place and what the advantages and disadvantages are to continue on the journey. I believe that when faced with the reality of why they are doing what they are doing they will want to stay the course.

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