Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The ICA Coaching Process #1

The first class of this course was held on Wednesday, March 21, 2007. In discussing the ICA Coaching Process we started with the “honeymoon phase’. As in any relationship it is a learning phase, getting to know the other person as well as navigating what the relationship will be like. This triggered someone to want to talk about the “quitting zone”. This is a time when clients get exasperated and feel like they would like to just give up. How do we move them through this time? Encouraging them that it is normal to feel discouraged or enthuse them about what progress they have already made, hold the vision for them when they are unable to. Is it possible that maybe the client really does need a break? Maybe they need a new perspective or they are less energized to work on their goals.

What processes do we need to have as we move into the profession of coaching? There are a multitude of techniques and approaches to coaching. The goal is that we draw from a gamut of different ideas and create a coaching session that works for us and for our clients. Jim talked about coaching being both an art and a science. I love this idea…we have structures and processes that give us a foundation but we also can use our own lives, skills, personality, etc…to coach. Listening and Asking Questions. We as the coach should only talk 20% of the time and listen 80%.

The class was summed up in focusing on what we think of people, what we bring because of our own experience, assumptions or judgments. How can we be aware of these things and use them (or not use them) to be effective coaches?

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