Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Creating Action #1

The first class in this course was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2007. The biggest thing I got from the reading material was to focus on the clients strengths before turning to what the barriers or roadblocks are, and to talk about the barriers and roadblocks rather than the client’s weaknesses. I have actually gone back and changed my client information sheet to reflect ‘barriers and roadblocks’ instead of weaknesses.

Through sharing our own top 10 strengths we were able to see what a great exercise this would be for our clients. Many people shared the process that they went through to determine their strengths and how life changing the realization of these strengths were for them, thus magnifying how important it is for us to do this with our clients. We so often have a hard time valuing what we are good at, either we don’t feel worthy or else we don’t want to ‘toot our own horn’. Why is it necessary to know our strengths? Our strengths can help us overcome hard times in life, increase confidence, build self-worth which gives hope, helps us learn how to celebrate ourselves.

This was a good class filled with ways to build on our successes and strengths so propel us into continued action and to help our clients move forward in continued action as well.

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