Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Group Coaching #1

This class was held on Tuesday, May 08, 2007. I have two more classes to complete my business coaching group of courses so I have two more classes that fall under the ‘group coaching’ model. I still feel uncomfortable with this change even though it really doesn’t affect me too much. I guess I am more of a structured person and like things to fit together like a puzzle, each piece has its place.

Evidently, the class last week was left with the homework to research information based media for building their business. I am assuming there was interest by the students to either write books or e-books. Lou shared how you can use a blog to help you write and organize your ‘book’ by using ‘tags’ for chapter headings and then moving things around to make it into a coherent piece of writing. Someone had questions about internet security and how it works. The discussion went into great detail around the levels of security and ways and reasons to use this type of security. I found this quite irrelevant to at this time and actually I was discouraged to do anything like this because of how complicated it sounded. I do, however, realize that this is an area that I quickly become ‘turned off’ but I can see my husband utilizing this type of thing sometime in the future.

Lou has a lot of wisdom and experience in ‘computer’ type business. It is just so far from what my mind is able to grasp…or where I feel I want to go. I think I will take the later business class next week with Jim…maybe I’ll be able to relate to where that discussion goes better.

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