Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Creating Structure #2

The second class of this course was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2007. We focused on the actual coaching sessions/business. First question: How long are your sessions? The answers varied from 25 – 60 minutes. My sessions are 45 minutes. Second question: How many sessions per month does the client get? The answers varied from 3-4 sessions a month. I offer 4 sessions a month. Question 3: What type of sessions do you do? I do face-to-face, telephone and email support. I was surprised at how many people are doing face-to-face coaching since coaching has been so based in telephone sessions. Some people do all email or instant messenger coaching, they seemed to feel it worked well for them. Question 4: How do clients pay? How often, by what means, how much? Answers varied greatly. I charge up front for the month and prefer to be paid by credit card. I have several different packages that offer different levels of coaching for different fees.

It was great to hear all the different ways that people go about setting up their structure. Some people have come up with creative and unique ways of doing things…I think I am pretty straight forward and simple.

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