Tuesday, May 1, 2007

E-Coaching/Group Coaching

This class was held on Tuesday, May 01, 2007. This was the first class in the Business Building grouping of classes that is going to be held as “group coaching”. I was hoping that I was going to finish the business building modules before they switched to the new format. I don’t do well with things being changed part way through the process. I am hoping to adjust to this new focus and deal with my own frustration with the constant change in the format at ICA.

This format was difficult to get used to. It was pretty much just a time for people to tell others about resources or what they have done in their own business. Some people asked for suggestions about website builders, project management software, etc…This was actually the first class that I felt the students getting irritated and snappy with each other. I’m not sure why…except that maybe since it was such a free-for-all attitude of the class that everyone had their own ideas about it.

One student brought up the “Action Plan” class and the fact that now she doesn’t have that class to help her build the business action plan. I felt bad for her that she feels like the structure she thought she would get around building her business is no longer available. I hope that ICA will reconsider changing the format of the business modules to be group coaching…I’m just glad that I have already worked through most of the business class before the change over happened.

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