Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Business Action Plan #1

I took the first class on Tuesday, December 5, 2006. When I called in for this class I was feeling like it was no big deal. I have had a vision about how my business was going to work for some time. As I read the materials I felt like I could answer all the questions and had a plan for each area even though it wasn’t yet written down. Wake Up Call! I got on the teleclass and everyone was so stressed out and in a sense panicking. I began to panic as well. I finally calmed myself down and said, “Rebecca, you know where you are going and what you are doing, just relax.” My ‘plan’ was to work on the Business Action Plan over the winter break…I never looked at even once. I found I was avoiding it…feeling like it was a mountain to climb. I have recently taken it back out and started picking at some of the topics that don’t seem so overwhelming. I am hoping that when I take Part 2 of the course I will get re-inspired and focused.

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