Thursday, September 6, 2007

Truth Telling #2

The second class in this course was held on Thursday, September 06, 2007. Joanne started the class by sharing a reading about ‘truth’. As she was reading it I found that not only did the author struggle with wanting truth to reign in her life but that she struggled with ‘co-dependency’. I know this is a very clinical or therapeutic term but this is what I deal with my clients on a regular basis. Most of the women that I work with push aside what is truth in order to keep others ‘happy’ or ‘keep the peace’.

The conversation went back to what truth is. Many people think that not telling someone something is not being truthful. Some people have a more gray view of truth. I can remember when I was in college this was such a controversial issue about what truth is….the conversation today was very much along those lines. Even though I think that the idea of truth is actually very narrow it makes people uncomfortable so they try to stretch the idea of truth to fit their own needs.

For me, as a coach or in life in general, truth is an asset. No one benefits from being lied to, ego stroked, or not told what is right in front of them. We can all tell ourselves whatever we want to believe or whatever feels good at the time but it doesn’t change what really is.

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